Princeton GROWS

Promoting Housing For All

Princeton GROWS strives to promote a welcoming, diverse, and cohesive Princeton community made of
neighbors that prioritize abundant, dignified, sustainable, and affordable housing for all

What Princeton GROWS stands for:

Gather – We strive to promote community with our neighbors and to foster a diverse and integrated Princeton community where residents build solidarity and look out for one another.

Respect – We respect all of our neighbors and commit to policies that ensure the environmental sustainability of our community and the welfare of our residents, including our current and future neighbors.

Organize – We organize and advocate to ensure that Princeton is a truly equitable, inclusive, and sustainable community for all.

Welcome – We embrace a thriving and growing community, welcome all who desire to call Princeton home, and affirm how our future neighbors will enrich our community.

Share – We are committed to sharing our collective resources and doing our part to foster regional equity and environmental sustainability.

Help us to grow Princeton sustainably and inclusively.

Let’s provide abundant, dignified, sustainable, and affordable housing for all.

Our Priorities


Zoning And Land Use Reform

Princeton lacks housing that is affordable to people who would like to live here and contribute to our community. To provide more housing for our neighbors in an environmentally responsible way, we need to reform our zoning and land use rules to permit and prioritize the construction of a diverse housing stock, including more multi-family and affordable housing.

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Renter Supports and Protections

Making Princeton a more inclusive community requires us to offer assistance and enforce legal protections for our renting households. We support the establishment of relocation assistance funds, a tenants’ association, and eviction diversion programs.

Read more.


Social Housing

Housing is a human right – a basic human need that should be guaranteed for all. We support the provision of shared equity housing and public housing to help accomplish this. Namely, we support the establishment of a community land trust in Princeton along with redevelopment and expansion of public housing in Princeton.

Read more.

Join Our efforts

Want to get involved? Sign our priorities list.

Sign our priorities list to show your support for abundant, dignified, sustainable, and affordable housing for all in Princeton.

Photograph of Palmer Square in Princeton, NJ. Dan Komoda Photography, 2013. No changes made.