Social Housing

Social Housing

We believe housing is a human right and should be guaranteed to all. While zoning and land use reform will help develop more affordable and environmentally sustainable forms of housing, more will be required to guarantee stable housing and access to thriving communities for all. To that end, we support social housing initiatives that provide crucially important forms of de-commodified housing, including:

  1. Public housing redevelopment/expansion: Public housing has provided a home for Princetonians for nearly a century, but many of these properties are aging and in need of rehabilitation. We support these ongoing efforts along with an expansion of the public housing stock in Princeton, primarily through mixed-income arrangements that will (1) provide more housing opportunities for our neighbors of more modest means, (2) promote racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic integration within Princeton, and (3) provide the financing necessary to rehabilitate and redevelop these properties.
  2. Shared equity housing, particularly community land trusts: we support shared equity housing initiatives that prioritize housing and community stability over owner profits. More specifically, we call for the establishment of a community land trust in Princeton to provide a critical source of housing to reverse the ongoing displacement of low- and moderate-income households due to the undersupply of low- and moderate-income housing in Princeton.