
Recent News

Proposed Master Plan Suggests Way for Town To Grow Responsibly, Incrementally, Equitably (Town Topics Letter to the Editor – 11/1/23)

Town Topics Letter to Editor written by Louise Wilson (Chair, Princeton Planning Board) and Tim Quinn (Chair, Master Plan Subcommittee)

Writing in Favor of Concept Plan for Development of Former PTS Property (Town Topics Letter to the Editor – 11/1/23)

Town Topics Letter to Editor written by Ross Wishnick

Noting That Proposed New Master Plan Will Lead to Reduction of Microplastics (Town Topics Letter to the Editor – 11/1/23)

Town Topics Letter to Editor written by Tineke Thio

Town Unveils Details of Community Master Plan (Town Topics – 10/25/23)

On October 19, Princeton’s Planning Board heard a presentation on the new Community Master Plan. Public comment was not part of that meeting, but residents will be able to ask questions and air their views of the plan at a public hearing on November 9.

Forum on Plans for Seminary Property Draws Standing-Room-Only Crowd (Town Topics – 10/25/23)

On October 17, a packed audience filled Witherspoon Hall for a community forum devoted to development of the Tennent/Roberts/Whiteley campus of Princeton Theological Seminary. James P. Herring of Herring Properties, the contract purchaser of the site, presented a concept plan for a 238-unit apartment complex, 48 of which would be designated affordable.

Former Student, Resident Hopes New Princeton Housing Will Be Affordable (Town Topics – 10/18/23)

Town Topics Letter to Editor written by Jessica Wilson